BOXED IN - 21 Day Journey To Easter Through The Book Of LukeExemplo

Boxed In by Greed
We’ve all probably met a very strange rich person. They just seem awkward and somewhat oblivious to how the rest of us live. Ever wonder how they got rich? Ever thought, “were they this weird before they got rich?” Money and stuff have a unique and powerful effect on all of us. And if we’re not careful, we can easily get boxed in by greed.
Whenever Jesus talked about money and possessions, his main concern was always our heart. He knows material things are major competitors for our heart. He warned his followers to not let their stuff define their life. As we begin to get jobs and move ahead, our hope tends to move from God to our stuff. As we accumulate, our dreams and goals tend to shift from building God’s Kingdom to building our own.
To keep our hope from migrating, we’ve got to be on our guard. One of the best remedies to guard against future greed is by practicing generosity today. Because in the end, we don’t get credit for what we leave. We get credit for what we give.
Question: If you were giving yourself practical advice on how to guard against greed, what would you tell yourself to “watch out” for? How might you grow in your generosity this week?
Sobre este plano

Our most stressful times are when we feel boxed in. You feel stuck in a relationship. You feel trapped in a career choice. You feel strapped due to financial stress or hemmed in due to your health. In this reading plan, we will study how the promises of God, the presence of God, and the resurrection of Jesus offer us help for today and hope for tomorrow.