BOXED IN - 21 Day Journey To Easter Through The Book Of LukeExemplo

Boxed In by Uncertainty
Adventures can be fun... if you’ve been preparing to go on one. But when the unexpected happens, life gets troubling. The unexpected usually brings a great deal of stress, anxiety, and worry. It’s like we’ve stepped into a trap, and now we’re boxed in by uncertainty.
Zacharias probably felt boxed in by uncertainty when the angel, Gabriel, told him that his wife was going to have a baby. That might be exciting news if you were planning for it. But when you’re at the age of retirement, that’s the last thing you would expect. That’s why he responded, “How can I be sure of this?” (Luke 1:18).
Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Time and time again, God has proven himself trustworthy. He proved it to Zacharias when his son John was born and He will prove it to you. When facing uncertainty, put your trust in the Lord.
Question: Where is there uncertainty in your life? What would it look like for you to put your trust in the Lord?
Sobre este plano

Our most stressful times are when we feel boxed in. You feel stuck in a relationship. You feel trapped in a career choice. You feel strapped due to financial stress or hemmed in due to your health. In this reading plan, we will study how the promises of God, the presence of God, and the resurrection of Jesus offer us help for today and hope for tomorrow.