BOXED IN - 21 Day Journey To Easter Through The Book Of LukeExemplo

Boxed In by Distractions
We live in a culture that is constantly competing for our attention whether it’s an annoying pop-up ad, a billboard or flashing road sign, or even a giant inflatable purple gorilla at a local car lot. We are constantly being sent messages clamouring for our affection. They promise a better life, but they leave us empty and wanting. If we fall for these false messages, those distractions can keep us boxed in from a fruitful and fulfilling life.
God’s Word (the Bible) is a remedy for distractions that cross our path. God’s Word empowers us to measure the merits of the messages we are bombarded with and keeps us from unproductive paths. By reading and meditating on the Scriptures daily, our hearts and minds are soaking in the nutrient-rich truth that feeds our souls, producing a good and fruitful life.
God is the originator, designer, and creator of life and love. We have free and open access to His thoughts and feelings throughout the Bible. If we are not regularly giving our attention to God’s messages, chances are high that we are being boxed in by a competing message. It’s causing us to miss out on the life God designed us to experience.
Question: How might God’s Word help you discern between what is good and true for your life verses a false and empty promise? How do you see this play out in your life?
Sobre este plano

Our most stressful times are when we feel boxed in. You feel stuck in a relationship. You feel trapped in a career choice. You feel strapped due to financial stress or hemmed in due to your health. In this reading plan, we will study how the promises of God, the presence of God, and the resurrection of Jesus offer us help for today and hope for tomorrow.