BOXED IN - 21 Day Journey To Easter Through The Book Of LukeExemplo

Boxed In by Temptation
Temptation can come in many forms. A commercial that begs us to buy something we didn’t even know we wanted. Hunger pains that we can easily satisfy in the drive-thru. Unmet expectations that evoke anger inside that want to be unleashed on someone. Fantasies that lure us into lust. The list is long of the daily temptations that promise fulfillment but only leave us empty and longing for more.
As Jesus began his faith journey to fulfill his calling and purpose, he was tempted by the same empty promises. Three times the devil tried to snare the Lord into the trappings of lust, power, and fame. But Jesus knew how to fight. He met each false promise with the greater reality of God’s truth.
As you are presented with the empty promises that temptation brings today, don’t let it box you in. Fight it by remembering what God says about your true source of fulfillment. That truth can be found daily in God’s Word (the Bible) and by the power of the His Spirit.
Question: What temptations frequent you the most? What truth of God (Bible verse) might help you to fight it?
Sobre este plano

Our most stressful times are when we feel boxed in. You feel stuck in a relationship. You feel trapped in a career choice. You feel strapped due to financial stress or hemmed in due to your health. In this reading plan, we will study how the promises of God, the presence of God, and the resurrection of Jesus offer us help for today and hope for tomorrow.