Journey to the Cross Through COVIDExemplo

Something about Jesus’ dying had a deep impact on those who were watching. The head of the hardened Roman execution gang declared, “Surely this was an innocent man.” The onlookers, who had been demanding Jesus’ crucifixion a few hours earlier, began beating their breasts in sorrow and regret. I wonder if it was the way Jesus died or his attitude right to the end or maybe the ominous darkness. See what you think as you read this passage.
Read Luke 23:44-49
Luke doesn’t dwell on Jesus’ dying. He just says as much as is needed. But what happens in these few short verses has an incredible impact on our lives and our future. This is developed in the rest of the New Testament. Let’s explore a few of these facets of the cross.
Jesus’ death is a ransom (1 Tim. 2:6). We were enslaved by sin as our ruthless master and could not break free. We were imprisoned forever. In dying for us, Jesus paid the ransom for our release so that we are rightfully free people. Free to love God. Free to please God. Free to live with God forever. Free, free at last!
Jesus’ death is a substitution (2 Cor. 5:21). As sinners and rebels, we were under God’s curse and eternally separated from him. In dying for us, Jesus became the substitute for us by taking our sin and facing God’s wrath instead of us. Jesus became sin for us, so that we could be pure and clean and right with God.
Jesus’ death is a reconciliation (Col. 1:19-20). We were alienated from God and from each other. Our basic selfishness soured our relationship with our creator and his creation. There was no solution, no way out. In dying for us, Jesus secured peace for us. Peace with our heavenly Father, peace with people, peace with our world.
Something incredible happened in those dark hours that is greater than any words we can muster, any pictures we can paint. God’s loved and perfect Son, the ruler of heaven, offered himself and was crucified as a criminal in our place, bearing the fearful price of sin for us. Even the centurion and the mob eventually got it. Jesus’ death was blatantly unfair. Innocence and brutality mingled together. But from this magnificent sacrifice flowed new life for us.
May the pain or problems of our world not turn us away from the One who bore the greatest pain of all because of his love for us.
Prayer: Thank Jesus for his sacrificial death for you. Take your time. Go through the images above.
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Reflecting on events leading to the cross has long been a tradition of the church, especially at Easter. These 12 daily devotions follow Luke’s account of the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life, from the Last Supper to His death, burial and resurrection. They particularly seek to relate Jesus’ cross journey to the challenges we are facing in a world plagued with COVID-19.