Journey to the Cross Through COVIDExemplo

Many people in our world live with deep injustice. Through no fault of their own, they are born into or find themselves in situations where they are mistreated, preyed upon, taken advantage of, and abused. Child labourers. Sex slaves. Abused wives. Refugees. Slum dwellers. The list goes on. Those In the West are somewhat insulated against such injustice. Life is mostly fair for them. Effort is rewarded. Rights are protected. Freedom is safeguarded. But how do we cope when injustice invades our lives as it inevitably does? This reading is jammed packed with injustice for Jesus. See how he responds.
Read Luke 23:1-25.
Pilate was the Roman representative in Judea. He was the final authority, responsible for the army, taxes and the legal system. Here, he twice found Jesus innocent of the charges against him. He could see that this was an internal Jewish problem that deserved no Roman death penalty. But he was concerned about the stability of his jurisdiction and didn’t want to offend the Jewish crowd. He didn’t want to make waves. He was prepared to sacrifice Jesus for a peaceful province.
Herod was a local who the Romans had put in charge of Galilee. He seized the opportunity to interview Jesus, hoping for a miracle or two. But he found Jesus disappointing. He was quick to have his men ridicule and abuse Jesus, maybe hoping for a response. But in the end, he wouldn’t get involved with the sham trial.
Meanwhile the Jewish leaders and increasingly the crowd were getting louder and more aggressive and more insistent. Jesus had to die. There was no stopping them. “Crucify him!” was their cry.
It’s all so unfair. Jesus, the perfect Son of God, is ridiculed, brutalised and finally condemned to a dreadful death. And as he suffers this deep injustice, he says nothing.
COVID-19 has brought new injustices into many lives. Some lose jobs. Some struggle financially. Some are infected with the virus. Some see dreams shattered. All because of this vile virus. For some of us, life may never be the same again. It’s just not fair. We were doing well.
But Jesus has been there before us. He identifies with our suffering. He understands our pain and frustration. And he quietly stands with us, wiping away the tears.
Prayer: Thank Jesus, the only completely innocent person who has ever lived, for suffering in your place. Praise God for the security this brings. Pray for those who have had their hopes dashed by this pandemic and who are now anxious about their future. Pray for the many throughout our world who struggle daily with deep injustices in their lives.
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Reflecting on events leading to the cross has long been a tradition of the church, especially at Easter. These 12 daily devotions follow Luke’s account of the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life, from the Last Supper to His death, burial and resurrection. They particularly seek to relate Jesus’ cross journey to the challenges we are facing in a world plagued with COVID-19.