Journey to the Cross Through COVIDExemplo

Luke draws clear pictures in this story. On the one, he paints a picture of Jesus’ opposition. A suave betrayer who reveals Jesus with a tender kiss. A resolute rabble with swords and clubs, determined to arrest Jesus this time no matter how he tries to defend himself. On the other hand, there is Jesus who trusts God’s will and submissively walks off with the rabble to his death, even healing one of them along the way. And then there are the poor confused disciples, not knowing how to respond to the situation. The question Luke leaves in the air is, “Whose side are you on?”
Read Luke 22:47-53
The gloves are off now. As Jesus says, “This is your hour – when darkness reigns” (22:53). There is no hiding behind a veneer of respectability and religion here. With no onlookers, this group consisting of religious leaders and Jewish guards armed to the teeth is a menacing mob. They don’t want to prove Jesus wrong; they want to destroy him. Even when Jesus graciously heals one of their pack, they are not distracted. Nothing will stop them now. “Darkness reigns.”
And in the middle of this darkness is Jesus who remains as gracious and peaceful as ever. He quells the aggression of his defensive friends. He touches and heals a man’s ear. He is genuinely bewildered by their uncalled-for aggression. He remains completely undefended and yet in complete control. As John says, “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5).
A problem the Western church faces is that it is often identified in the community with the powerful mob, not the vulnerable Saviour. Some people see the church as aggressive, self-protective, dominant, manipulative and corrupt. Research shows that even when people personally know Christians who are nothing like that, they still tend to revert to this conclusion about the church.
Well we need to make our allegiance clear. We are the people of the light. We offer a gospel that has at its heart a sacrificed Saviour who loves deeply and heals freely. As our friends and community face turmoil and as they question the crumbling foundations of their old life (mainly prosperity and happiness), we must let the beautiful and gracious light of Jesus shine. Some may not like this, but many will believe.
Prayer: Thank Jesus for his authority and humility and commit to living as a light-bearer, as he did. Pray for your friends and community - that spiritual eyes will be opened, and many will see Jesus and receive his grace, being swept from darkness into his light.
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Reflecting on events leading to the cross has long been a tradition of the church, especially at Easter. These 12 daily devotions follow Luke’s account of the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life, from the Last Supper to His death, burial and resurrection. They particularly seek to relate Jesus’ cross journey to the challenges we are facing in a world plagued with COVID-19.