Journey to the Cross Through COVIDExemplo

Jesus had known that Judas was going to betray him for quite some time. I’m sure it was devastating, but it came as no surprise to Jesus when Judas left. At least for the rest of this final ominous night, Jesus had his real friends with him, especially his three closest mates – Peter, James and John. He would not have to face this toughest and last night of his life alone. In these situations, friends come into their own. Or that’s what you would think.
Read Luke 22:39-46
After the meal, Jesus heads off to this favourite retreat place, a quiet garden on the Mount of Olives. He desperately needs to talk with his Father in preparation for his crucifixion. He challenges his disciples to stand in prayer with him for the ordeal ahead that will test them all. Then Jesus prays with such agony (the Greek word is agonia) that sweat pours off him and drops to the ground like blood. His distressed plea to be delivered from the cup of God’s wrath shows the immense suffering he knows he will face. The short summary of Jesus’ prayer that Luke gives us provides a glimpse into Jesus’ humanity.
Then, submitting to God’s will and strengthened by an angel, Jesus returns to find the disciples asleep. The seriousness and sadness of the situation had finally hit them and they were too exhausted and depressed to pray. Sleep seemed the best option.
I think that what transpired over the next 12 hours for Jesus and his disciples was linked to this night in the garden. Jesus prayed in his desperation and then pursued God’s will to the cross. The disciples were too worn out to pray and then ran away at the first sign of persecution. What could have happened in their “temptation” if they had prayed that night?
COVID-19 has produced a very stressful and exhausting environment for many of us. Some people have faced loss after loss. There is a lot of bad news going around. Many commentators are negative about our post-virus future. We could see this situation as too difficult and upsetting and go to sleep like the disciples, hoping that things will somehow get better. Or we can pray it through (sometimes with agony) like Jesus and move forward in trust, believing for God to work in his power.
As we have seen here, prayer makes a huge difference to the outcome in overwhelming times.
Prayer: Praise God that he hears our prayers and will pour out his grace and victory as we pray. Pray for strength to walk obediently in submission and love and pray for God’s power to work through your struggle and stress. Spend more time in prayer than usual.
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Reflecting on events leading to the cross has long been a tradition of the church, especially at Easter. These 12 daily devotions follow Luke’s account of the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life, from the Last Supper to His death, burial and resurrection. They particularly seek to relate Jesus’ cross journey to the challenges we are facing in a world plagued with COVID-19.