Journey to the Cross Through COVIDExemplo

There is often a time towards the end of my sermons when I realise that I still have so much to say but not enough time in which to say it. I think that Jesus is like this in this reading. There are so many things he wants to communicate to his followers (the future leaders of his church), but he is quickly running out of time. See how many themes you can find in this passage. The abrupt shift from topic to topic doesn’t make understanding the reading easy. That’s okay. The disciples didn’t understand it all either.
Read Luke 22:21-38
Even at this stage, the disciples still thought that Jesus was establishing an earthly kingdom and so they were jostling for the top spots. This often happens when a new leader emerges. Once again, Jesus explains to them the upside-down nature of his kingdom (22:25-26). Most people think that the diner (who does nothing but eat) is more significant than the waiter (who works hard). But Jesus makes it clear that he identifies much more with the waiter. So should his leaders. Eventually, these guys were going to learn this lesson and turn out to be great servant leaders.
Then Jesus changes tack and expresses appreciation for the loyal support of his friends and actually promises them responsible roles in his future kingdom (22:28-30). Living as a faithful servant will eventually lead to God’s type of greatness. It always does. It’s the same for you in your struggle and sacrifice. Greatness lies ahead in God’s kingdom.
However, the ones at the top (or should we say bottom?) often get the toughest quests. Simon was like that – leader of the apostolic band and biggest target for Satan (22:31). The pressure would be too great for Simon, and he would fail. But then he would be back!
But it wasn’t just Simon. Things were going to get tougher for all of the disciples. Up until this point they’d had lots of support from Jesus and most of the people they served. Now they were going to have to look after themselves (22:36) and it was going to be demanding. The sword they needed was an inner flint to persevere through persecution.
Imagine you’re there in the room with Jesus that night. You understand the humble call. You absorb the sacrificial cost. You appreciate the incredible promises. How do you respond?
Prayer: Our leaders (both political and spiritual) shoulder a heavy burden, particularly at these challenging times. They have to make decisions and yet are unsure of the outcomes. They are called to serve and to lead. Make sure you pray for them. Particularly those who are following Jesus. Praise God for our leaders and pray for wisdom, strength, humility and protection.
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Reflecting on events leading to the cross has long been a tradition of the church, especially at Easter. These 12 daily devotions follow Luke’s account of the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life, from the Last Supper to His death, burial and resurrection. They particularly seek to relate Jesus’ cross journey to the challenges we are facing in a world plagued with COVID-19.