River Valley Church SOAP - Part 10Sample
The theological implications of the last supper should not be understated. Jesus was taking the well-known Jewish celebration of Passover and revealing the new covenant. The bread and wine represented the body and blood of Jesus, which was now the focal point of a believers right standing with God. Through Jesus’ broken body and shed blood, we were now able to be made righteous before God if we believed in Him. This proved that Jesus wanted us to remember His death above everything else.
North Korea is a country where the ruling family has, in large part, become the religious voice of the land. Let's pray that God would send workers to North Korea who have counted the cost, who are filled with the Spirit and committed to take the gospel to one of the hardest and darkest places.
About this Plan
SOAP is the daily devotional plan at River Valley Church. SOAP is a simple process that includes reading a selected passage of Scripture, writing down an Observation or two, committing to an Application, and engaging in Prayer. This is part 10 of a 12 part plan.
We would like to thank River Valley Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.rivervalley.org