SWHW Bible Reading Plan: November 2021Sample
Top Takeaway from Caren Fehr:
In 2 Corinthians 10, Paul addresses an attack made by some people in the church of Corinth who claimed that Paul seemed two-faced. When face to face, he was soft. Yet, when he wrote, he was more tough and bold. They didn't understand how he could be both bold and soft.
Interestingly, because of Jesus' example, we learn that boldness and meekness (gentleness) are not contradictory to one another. In fact, they are companions.
Nevertheless, Paul's ministry and apostolic credentials were attacked. With a posture of humility and gentleness, Paul defended himself. This wasn't because he was insecure in his apostleship, identity, or calling, but rather because of how secure he was in Christ.
What I would love to highlight today is a verse well known to many:
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
Paul is calling out their worldly pattern of thinking! He saw the strongholds in their minds and hearts in how they argued against God’s way and exalted other things above the knowledge of God.
It was their worldly thinking that made them doubt Paul's ministry and call out his “weakness." They focused on outward appearance when God looks at the heart. They compared and measured his ministry according to themselves and their standard rather than with the discernment of the Holy Spirit and by what God says.
What I also find so interesting is how for years I thought Paul was commanding us to take every thought captive (which we are to do). But in this context, Paul is actually making a statement about what he did with the worldly thoughts against him.
Paul starts by first saying that he is destroying all arguments and arrogant claims against God and then that he is taking thoughts captive. In these verses, Paul isn’t specifically talking about taking his own thoughts captive but the thoughts of others.
I had not noticed that before! Not only can we take our own thoughts captive, but we can also take the evil thoughts of others toward us captive and submit them under Christ’s authority. This way, we aren’t idolizing others’ standards or words above Christ’s.
Now does this mean we are off the hook for controlling our thinking? Definitely not. Paul’s statement has a much broader challenge for us all.
Many believe they don't have authority or power over their thinking. But we do. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many scriptures that call us to manage our thoughts (Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 1:13, Philippians 4:8, Colossians 3:2, Romans 8:5-7).
To fight against our worldly way of thinking, we have to pause and think about what we think about so we can identify flesh-based thinking. Then we must take our thoughts captive (proactively stop any thought that goes against God and His Word) and make them obedient to Jesus. Every thought. This includes:
Evil thoughts.
Lustful thoughts.
Prideful thoughts.
Bitter thoughts.
Hateful thoughts.
Jealous thoughts.
May our thoughts toward ourselves and others glorify and honor Christ today!
Father, help us to be teachable and take responsibility over our thinking. Protect us from idolizing or magnifying others’ thoughts about us more than what You say. By Your power and grace, we can take every thought captive and submit it under Your authority that we may think, live, and love like You. Amen.
About this Plan
With God's Word as the foundation, each devotional is written by women in the trenches of faith, family and work, aiming to live for the glory of God and the good of others. There are enough devotions included for a typical 5-day work schedule. We recommend plugging into your local church for the remaining two days of each week.
We would like to thank she works HIS way for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.sheworksHisway.com