SWHW Bible Reading Plan: November 2021Sample
Top Takeaway from Emily Copeland:
Is there anything more unpredictable or nerve-wracking than speaking to a person or crowd of people who are already cynical of you or the topic you're sharing?
Some people love the tension; my husband is one of them. He can speak calmly and collectively to any opposing viewpoint, while I would rather just give them a hug and move on (With arms wide open--I call it "Get in here ministries.")
The Corinthian Christians had become cynical of authority and leadership within the church when Paul sent his letter to them. They had experienced hurt and leaders who were out for personal gain.
This crowd was tough, but this crowd was too important to Paul. In fact, Paul revealed the secret (I believe) to his persistence when he knew that he would have to prove himself to these Christians:
"I am jealous for you with a holy jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to Him." (vs. 2)
Jealousy brought Paul to write this letter, and jealousy would fuel his fight for their heart. A "holy jealousy" is a concern for a person's integrity, holiness, morality, uprightness, and ultimately for their salvation and sanctification.
Today, through social media, we get to see a person's entire belief system in tiny squares. In general, it is much easier for Christians to write other people off as "too far this" or "too far that." It is easier now than ever to pick and choose whom we will spiritually fight for. But our mission is not a U-Pick plan or a mix and match with whom we will share the truth.
Quick evaluation:
- What does your jealousy look like for people right now?
- Have you given up on some who seem too extreme for your message?
- Are you willing to step into the tension with truth because you see the person's heart in need of Jesus?
These are the questions I asked myself when I really thought about Paul's holy jealousy. The crowd online and in-person will always be tough until we get to heaven. But, we get to care about people now and reach into their world with the Good News, or with a reminder of God's love.
If we are lacking holy jealousy that seems beyond the outer layer of cynicism, let's pray for it! God invites us into a partnership with Him in which He provides everything that we lack. Pray for eyes to see people for who they really are and for what they really need. And, like Paul, may we see a breakthrough because of our love and persistence!
God, thank You for Paul's letter and thank You for his heart. I want to be a woman who has holy jealousy for the people around me, despite what I see in their life. Create in me a heart that could care less about the tension, and one that cares most about the message and Your glory. Use me today, Lord. Give me an opportunity to be led by holy jealousy, in Your name. Amen.
About this Plan
With God's Word as the foundation, each devotional is written by women in the trenches of faith, family and work, aiming to live for the glory of God and the good of others. There are enough devotions included for a typical 5-day work schedule. We recommend plugging into your local church for the remaining two days of each week.
We would like to thank she works HIS way for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.sheworksHisway.com