This Aching Earth预览

The Darkness
When our earliest parents trespassed the command of the LORD at the dawn of mankind, we exposed the Achilles’ heel of humanity in this age: our lust for power without proximity to the Sovereign. Implicit within disobedience is a distrust in His goodness, and it is these libels against His character that cause us to pursue knowledge without Truth and life apart from the Vine. As Tozer put it, “the mighty disaster theologians call ‘the Fall’” thrust us into a permeating ignorance, cloaking us in the darkness of accusation against the High and Lofty One. The dominion given to the first man and woman was handed off to the devil in a dirty power grab that left the good world burdened under the curse of our treason. It would take the Father of Lights to liberate us.
Father, thank You that You are light and truth and fundamentally good. I can trust You. Thank You for intervening against the darkness of my sin and liberating me from the power of the prince of this age.

“This [was] good,” but it will get better when Jesus returns and fixes everything we’ve broken. This study plan surveys our loss of dominion and the strategy of our King to keep His promise to restore all things.