This Aching Earth预览

The Waiting
We live in the “until”—between the “In the beginning,” after the “It is finished!” and before the seventh trumpet sounding the Lord’s return. It is easy to become discouraged. We do not know a world without sin, death, and decay—but the world does. To borrow words from Beth Moore, “this aching earth remembers Eden.” The Maker of Heaven and Earth did not leave us to our exile, and He will not leave our dominion to rot in our curse. He will bring to pass everything He’s promised, and the Gospel of restoration will bridge this age into the next with a new heaven and new earth, filled with sinless saints bearing testimony to His goodness towards us in Jesus for all the ages to come.
He is worth that testimony.
Jesus, I trust You to keep Your Word. You said You will not leave us orphans, but will return to us. Give me grace to wait for you, and walk worthy of what You’ve called me to until You come.

“This [was] good,” but it will get better when Jesus returns and fixes everything we’ve broken. This study plan surveys our loss of dominion and the strategy of our King to keep His promise to restore all things.