This Aching Earth预览

The Second Adam
When the Word broke the darkness a second time, it wasn’t as spoken sound as is was in Genesis 1, but as the breathing witness of the living Word (as in John 1). He who formed the world entered time and space as a man formed by blood and earth in the image of His Image. It is important to understand this age is simply the stage set to reveal the glory of the merciful God who resurrects; Jesus’ incarnate intervention to bring living light into our dark world wasn’t His Plan B because He needed to fix what we broke in Eden. He’s always intended to reveal His restorative hand, His skillful craftsmanship to redeem the worst failure in the cosmos. By His birth as God’s only begotten Son and His resurrection as the firstborn from the dead, He achieved the eternal adoption of every son and daughter who comes to regenerate faith in Him.
He is David’s Son, destined for the dominion Adam lost and the throne David was granted through covenantal election and promise. The inauguration of His Kingdom will crush the head of the serpent, a victory promised in the ashes of Eden’s arson so long ago.
Jesus, You are the answer to our depravity. You are the fullest expression of God, and by humbly taking on our form, You are the fullest expression of Man. You deserve the dominion granted in the Garden. Strengthen me to wait and work for Your appearing.

“This [was] good,” but it will get better when Jesus returns and fixes everything we’ve broken. This study plan surveys our loss of dominion and the strategy of our King to keep His promise to restore all things.