Hollywood Prayer Network On Children预览

Hollywood Prayer Network On Children



The moment you have a child, in an instant your life is not for you, and your life is completely, 100 percent dedicated to another human being, and they will always come first. It changes you forever. It changes your perspective, and it gives you a nice purpose and focus. Angelina Jolie

PRAY:  Lord, I know that there are some things that my parents did or said that were hurtful to me. They exasperated me, instead of bringing me up in the training and instruction of Your Word. Those choices by my parents may even be why I am struggling with some issues today. So, would You make me the kind of person to break those chains and not exasperate my children. Would You start now to help me bring up my children wisely and with Your training and instruction. I trust You to make me a good parent. Amen and Amen.
REFLECT:  Hollywood is a place that attracts people who have broken relationships with their fathers. Many of the people who come here are trying to find the love, acceptance and value they never got from their fathers, and ironically they have come to the worst possible step-father for that. We all long for fathers and mothers who don't exasperate, frustrate or devalue us. We need to have patience and understanding for the celebrities and decision-makers in Hollywood who never grew up with the training and instruction of the Lord.
ACT:  Would you pray for the people in Hollywood whose names come to mind right now. You may not realize that they didn't get the love of their fathers and their broken, sad or even abusive childhoods have made them who they are today. If you don't like the decisions or content coming out of Hollywood, you can be assured that the people behind those decisions are probably from non-Christian, broken or even dysfunctional homes, and they need our prayers. You can make an eternal difference by praying for culture-shapers in Hollywood - and their children! Listen to some songs about Fathers at: https://www.jamescovell.com/fathers


Hollywood Prayer Network On Children

There is something divinely miraculous about children. And as adults, we have a responsibility to love them, protect them, and train them in the ways they should go – whether they are physically ours or not. This week as we focus on God’s children, let’s keep singing, “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.”
