Hollywood Prayer Network On Children预览

Hollywood Prayer Network On Children



"Children are innocent and love justice, while most adults are wicked and prefer mercy.” G.K. Chesterton                                                   

"When our children see us clinging to the promises of God, they will grow up trusting in His goodness. If we fail as adults in praying for and praying with the next generation, then they will become spiritually unsure.” Michael Yousef

PRAY:  Dear Jesus, You love little children and You tell us not to hinder them from coming to You, for Your Kingdom belongs to them. Help me to love little children, and to tell them about You, whether they be mine or my neighbor's, or my relative's. I want to never say or do anything to keep a child from knowing You. I never want to hinder them from loving You and experiencing the Kingdom of heaven. And may I encourage others to do the same. You place such a high value on children that I want to be more like You and celebrate them, empower them and love them, just as You would, so that they will come to know You. I commit to do this, in Your name.  
REFLECT:  Have you ever considered that we are told it's up to us to lead children to Jesus? And He doesn't say "Let only YOUR little children come to me…" Jesus told us to let all the little children in our lives come to Him and not to hinder them. That means it's our responsibility as believers to point all the children in our lives and in our kid's classes, clubs, sports teams and neighborhoods, to know about Jesus. How may we have been or are being a hinderance to any children in our lives coming to know Jesus? How do we prepare to bring more children to learn about Jesus? How can we more effectively obey this commandment?
ACT:  Choose one child in your life whom you can tell about Jesus and then ask the Lord to show you the best, most effective way to do that. Could it be through getting them a children's Bible, a book, to write a note, or to spend more time talking with them? Is it to share you faith with their parents? Decide right now what child is on your heart to reach out to so that you won't be a hinderance to them learning about and falling in love with Jesus!
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Children

There is something divinely miraculous about children. And as adults, we have a responsibility to love them, protect them, and train them in the ways they should go – whether they are physically ours or not. This week as we focus on God’s children, let’s keep singing, “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.”
