Made for the Middle by Micahn Carter预览

Made for the Middle by Micahn Carter


Have you ever had that moment for the comeback of a lifetime? Or had the perfect jab at the perfect time to prove your point, but didn’t because you knew it wouldn’t produce the perfect outcome. That’s called restraint, and we don't practice that as much as we should. What I’ve learned is that sometimes saying nothing is saying something.

There is a story in John chapter 8 about a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. They brought her out in public view which probably humiliated her, and the law of that day said she needed to die via stoning. The men brought her to Jesus and tried a sneak attack to try and trap Jesus with a loaded question. The law says to stone her what do you say (John 8:5)? Let me ask it another way so you can put it into your context. Which side are you on? Or how do you feel about...?

Just like in Jesus’s day when they threw the woman at his feet, the culture today throws their agenda at our thumbs. They want us to give a knee jerk reaction to push their agenda or point out how worldly or religious (depending on how we answer) we are. But Jesus takes a different approach. He doesn’t say anything, no response at all. He just bends down and stays in the middle.

Sure the men were right; after all, the law said to do it. I guess what Jesus was saying without saying was just because you are right doesn’t mean you need a rock. He knew that the only way to see the right outcome was to practice restraint. And that day Jesus gave them something no one excepted. Instead of a rock, He gave relief, and He gave it to everyone. The woman, the men who couldn’t throw the stones because of their sins, and the people who were watching who knew they had sin too.

This is why being Made for the Middle is so important. The people around us don’t really need our opinions. What they need is our position. The position of prayer, to fight for them, to not throw rocks even when you are right. Today try to practice a little restraint. 

Something to think about: Don’t post about it if you haven’t prayed about it.

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Made for the Middle by Micahn Carter

With so many hot-button issues causing divisiveness in our culture, many Christians are struggling to live out their faith. There is a way, says Micahn Carter. Jesus modeled it perfectly: He stood strong in the middle of tension and loved people outside of His comfort zone.
