Hollywood Prayer Network On Power预览

Hollywood Prayer Network On Power



"When Jesus performed miracles, he wasn't demonstrating what God can do, but what God can do through a man." Bill Johnson 

"It is INCONSISTENT to have Jesus pay a price for healing and for us to believe it is not Gods intention to heal."    Bill Johnson

PRAY:  God in Heaven, You are the God who performs miracles, You display Your power among all people, You heal the sick and make the lame walk and the blind see, and You can even drive out demons, all because of Your power! Lord, would You reveal more of Your power to me. I want to personally experience Your almighty, Divine power in my life. I want to see more miracles, I want to do miracles myself, to make the world a better place. Lord, I don't want to miss anything You have for me, including miracles and healing. Please show me more of You and more of Your power. Thank You for Your faithfulness Lord. I am ready to see and experience Your power in a new way. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
REFLECT:  Where are you in your walk with Jesus? Are you content with your relationship with Him right now? Do you feel you know Him well enough or do you want more? One of the great tragedies of Christians in general is that so many never fully live the exciting, abundant life that God is offering all of us. Sometimes we get complacent and drift along, going to church on Sundays, going to work during the week, and busying ourselves to death. Or worse yet, we've lost our awe of God and we don't even expect Him to show up, answer our prayers, or move in our lives. Where are you right now? 
ACT:  Why don't you embrace God new and fresh and experience more of His power in your life? If you want to re-commit your life to Him right now and ask Him to reveal more of Himself to you, including healing, miracles, and His power, then just ask Him. And then expect Him to answer. Get ready for a new season of your walk with the Lord and don't stop telling Him that you want to see Him, feel Him, touch Him, hear from Him, and have your life and the lives of the people around you transform, because of His POWER! Ask Him for anything you want: wisdom, insight, understanding, love, joy peace, kindness, patience, etc. etc. It's unending what God wants to give you, if you just ask. He is all-powerful and He wants to share it all with you!
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Power

We know that God is all-powerful, but did you know that we have access to that power? We can experience God’s power in prayer, in being strong witnesses, in doing miracles, to fight Satan, and even in our suffering. We don’t want to miss it, so this week we’ll learn to access and embrace God’s divine power. He did not give us a Spirit of timidity, but one of power!
