Hollywood Prayer Network On Power预览

Hollywood Prayer Network On Power



"Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees."  Corrie Ten Boom

"If you want that splendid power in prayer, you must remain in loving, living, lasting, conscious, practical, abiding union with the Lord Jesus Christ."  Charles Spurgeon 

PRAY:  God, I acknowledge that I love to pray to You because there is power in Your name and in our conversations. There is no other "god" in the world whom I can talk to and he or she talks back. No one but You cares enough to listen to everything I say and even think, and then respond. I thank You for the gift of prayer. I can confess my sins to you, I can pray to You for other people, and I can trust that because I seek You, my prayers are powerful and effective. I pray that You will strengthen me with your power through Your Spirit and that Christ may dwell in my heart through the power of my faith. I pray that I may be established in love, so that I may have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. I pray in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.
REFLECT:  Why do you prayer? Is it to get everything you want? Is it because you're frustrated with your life and want it to change? Or, do you pray because you understand the power of conversing with the Almighty God who created the earth and everything on it and He loves you so much that He listens and answers! We often start church services with praise and worship because of the power of lifting our hearts, voices, and even arms up to the Lord and corporately loving Him. Listening to praise songs gives us power, and laying hands on a sick friend, asking God to heal them, has power in it. And there is nothing more beautiful, exciting, and powerful than experiencing answered prayer - a healed friend, an unexpected check in the mail, a puppy found, a parent surviving a near-fatal accident. Over and over again we experience the power of prayer. It's real, it's tangible, and it's life-changing. Study the power of prayer and it will expand your prayer life beyond what you could ever hope for or imagine.
ACT:  Choose to focus on the power of prayer in different ways today. Call a close Christian friend and confess any of your sins to them and then pray together. Go to a sick friend, colleague, or neighbor and pray for their healing right there, whether they believe in God or not. Pray for something that has been on your heart for a long time but you haven't had the guts to pray for. Pray for a miracle in your life, pray for someone you care about to become a Christian. Pray big prayers today, expecting answers and not doubting God. You are praying to an all-powerful God who can raise someone from the dead in the blink of an eye, so surely He can handle your prayers. Get out of your comfort zone and grow in your prayer life by believing the power of prayer and depending on it as you talk to your God. Start now and all day praise, worship, pray, and listen to God in ways you never have before. You will make Him so happy!
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Power

We know that God is all-powerful, but did you know that we have access to that power? We can experience God’s power in prayer, in being strong witnesses, in doing miracles, to fight Satan, and even in our suffering. We don’t want to miss it, so this week we’ll learn to access and embrace God’s divine power. He did not give us a Spirit of timidity, but one of power!
