Hollywood Prayer Network On Power预览

Hollywood Prayer Network On Power



"The enemy lies to make the problems we face appear larger than the solutions we carry." Bill Johnson 

“But have we Holy Spirit power - power that restricts the devil's power, pulls down strongholds and obtains promises? Daring delinquents will be damned if they are not delivered from the devil's dominion. What has hell to fear other than a God-anointed, prayer-powered church?” Leonard Ravenhill

PRAY:  Dear God, I am aware of the power of the enemy and I don't want to be afraid. I know he has strongholds, he can confuse me, lie to me, discourage me and scare me. He can even use other people to hurt me and make me angry. God, I have to remember that because You are more powerful than the devil, I don't have to go into hiding. I have to remember when a person turns on me, that it's not a struggle against flesh and blood, but against the the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. And I also must stand on the truth that Your power breaks the power of him who holds the power of death. No one can beat You or me. As powerful as the enemy is, he is not more powerful than You or me with You in me! Thank You for that truth and that comfort. Oh, please God, never let me forget that all the days of my life. Amen.
REFLECT:  Christians believe that God is more powerful than Satan, but we get confused often on what's spiritual and what's just life. Do you acknowledge the power of the devil? When someone hurts you deeply, do you get mad at them, or do you think that it could possibly be Satan using them to hurt or discourage you and they don't even know it? The best example of acknowledging the devil instead of blaming man is when Jesus said on the cross, "Father forgive them for they do not know not what they are doing." That's a profound comment because it's acknowledging both the power of the enemy to cause people to do horrible things, and it's acknowledging that Jesus' forgiveness is more powerful than Satan's evil. That verse alone should empower us to never be afraid of the enemy and never question the victorious power of our God. We never again have to go into hiding when the wicked rise to power, we can stop blaming people for evil actions the enemy has convinced them to carry out, and we know that by Jesus' death on the cross the enemy holds no more power over any of us, ever.
ACT:  What areas of your life does Satan have a hold on you? What are you afraid of? Who are you angry at? What is stopping you from doing something bold or life-changing, but outside of your comfort zone? Write a list of anything the enemy could be holding on to, stopping you from, or telling you lies about. Where could he have power over you that you haven't noticed until now? Then next to that list, write down how God is more powerful, how He tells us the truth, how He wants to push us forward to try, say or experience. Compare your list of what the enemy is doing and what God can do and then ask the Lord to never let Satan hold you back, stop you, divert you, lie to you, or hinder you again. Call on the power of your God and never give Satan any room to try to use his power on you. You are standing firm in the power of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and because of Him, you are victorious.
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Hollywood Prayer Network On Power

We know that God is all-powerful, but did you know that we have access to that power? We can experience God’s power in prayer, in being strong witnesses, in doing miracles, to fight Satan, and even in our suffering. We don’t want to miss it, so this week we’ll learn to access and embrace God’s divine power. He did not give us a Spirit of timidity, but one of power!
