21 Days to Connect: Anchoring Your College Life Week 3预览

21 Days to Connect: Anchoring Your College Life Week 3



Tests are designed to measure things in life, in sports, and even in college academic efforts. Sometimes we just don’t feel like we measure up very well. But when it comes to measuring how you fit into the Body of Christ, that’s an easy one! Just because you don’t look like everyone else, talk like everyone else, pray like everyone else, or even quote as many verses as your Christian friends, doesn’t change the fact that we are all one body. And we belong to each other too. So let’s set out to make others feel more a part of the whole if they are believers in Jesus. In fact, we need to work on helping others feel like they belong even before they believe. As you go out on campus today let Jesus love through you and help others feel at ease in your presence. After all, compared to everyone else we may be the least of Jesus’ crew but that still means we are on the right team!

“Lord, help me realize that I don’t need to compare myself with anyone other than you! There is no way I can feel like I’m a better or worse Christian than my friends. I know I have a long way to go to be just like you. But you love me today just as I am because I am yours!”

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21 Days to Connect: Anchoring Your College Life Week 3

The college years can be an awesome time in a person's life. They can also be a time when believers drift from their faith. The difference is often whether one gets connected to other believers, a campus ministry, and a local church. This plan will help you explore what God's Word says about getting connected on your campus.
