21 Days to Connect: Anchoring Your College Life Week 3预览

21 Days to Connect: Anchoring Your College Life Week 3



The freedom of college life is both exhilarating and frightening at the same time. You are on your own. You set your own schedule. You eat when you want, sleep when you can, and hang out with friends until you decide it is time to shut it down. Fear Of Missing Out is a real challenge for some. Learning to manage your time is one of the crucial tasks for college students. Hopefully, your family prepared you for this newfound freedom in decision making. The letter to the Galatians is Paul’s wisdom to the church in how to manage the freedom we have in Christ. Because we are sons and daughters of God through faith in Jesus, we are no longer under the law of the Old Testament. That’s great news for those of us who love BACON and other things that were highly restrictive. It doesn’t mean we are totally free to do whatever we want though. It’s just that we are justified by faith in Christ rather than our own righteousness. So if you’ve made a few mistakes in your walk, lean into grace through the faith in Jesus today! 

“Father, thank you for giving me a new life and identity as a son or daughter in Christ Jesus through faith in Him. Lord, help me learn to manage my freedom in a way that allows me to honor you. Help me learn to balance fun, friends, class, projects, work, and most importantly time with You. Help me keep my priorities in line with the things that are important to You!”

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21 Days to Connect: Anchoring Your College Life Week 3

The college years can be an awesome time in a person's life. They can also be a time when believers drift from their faith. The difference is often whether one gets connected to other believers, a campus ministry, and a local church. This plan will help you explore what God's Word says about getting connected on your campus.
