21 Days to Connect: Anchoring Your College Life Week 3预览
They say you can’t pick your family. Biologically that’s true. It’s kinda true if you were adopted. In the passage you read, Jesus makes an interesting statement about the possibility of being in His family. He uses this moment to teach the disciples and us about what it means to belong to His group. It’s more than just friends. It’s being a part of the family of God. It’s deeper, stronger, and it means more than just being a friend. It’s a bond for life. And wherever you go, you are still a part of it! Every believer we meet is just a brother or sister that we didn’t know about until then! The family of God will have members of every tribe, tongue, and nation! What a glorious family!
“Jesus thank you for adopting me into your family through faith. Help me love my brothers and sisters in Christ well today!”
The college years can be an awesome time in a person's life. They can also be a time when believers drift from their faith. The difference is often whether one gets connected to other believers, a campus ministry, and a local church. This plan will help you explore what God's Word says about getting connected on your campus.