Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success预览

Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success


  1. “N” is for No Compromises.

Numerous studies have been done to find the top characteristics or traits of a successful leader. Typically, these lists include characteristics such as:

  • Strategic
  • Decisive
  • Knowledgeable
  • Flexible
  • Energetic 

While these traits can certainly be helpful to any leader, we find the Bible gives a deeper set of character qualities that make up the successful leader.

In this study, we will dig into 5 enduring qualities that when applied in your work today will set you apart and help build your leadership success even more than the best of the best listed in any business publication. 

The concept and 5-letter word that we will use to capture the teachings from the Bible is this: 

Just be NICER.

Today, we start with the letter “N” which stands for “No compromises”, and check in with Daniel of the Old Testament.

Daniel was one of the talented, young men taken into exile in Babylon, the capital city of Assyria. The Babylonians put Daniel and some of his friends into a management training program to indoctrinate them so that they might help rule the Jewish people whom they were holding in captivity. 

Being taken into the leadership training program is always a good opportunity, back then just as it is today. 

As part of the training program, Daniel and his friends are asked to abandon their dietary standards and beliefs (think “no pork”) in favor of the meals as prescribed by the king of Babylon himself. 

Daniel’s predicament was not too different from a situation that you might encounter today – where you might be asked to compromise your values or beliefs to accept & promote company policy, procedure or culture.

But read Daniel 1:8-14 to see what Daniel does… 

He doesn’t just give up on his beliefs to fall in line, but instead comes up with a creative plan to protect his personal beliefs, and in the process of doing so, protect those in the organization above him also. 

Like Daniel, you too should strive for “No compromises” in your daily work and leadership — not by being rigid in your beliefs or inflexible in your way of working, but by combining a secure stance in your faith with an acceptable and smart way to meet company demands. 

Just like Daniel did.

It may require a little creativity, a firm foundation of faith and some prayer, but the same God who helped Daniel in his situation can help you too.

All you need to do is ask!  Check James 1:5 on that.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 

Reflection / Application

  1. How well do you represent company policy in your organization? Do these ever conflict or cause uneasiness relative to your own beliefs? 
  2. Many times, we stay silent on policies that we might not agree with, even if we have a voice in setting those policies. How does the example of Daniel speak to you on this?
  3. Daniel refused to compromise even on the small things, and God blessed him greatly in the years that followed. Are there areas in your work where you compromise your faith even a little bit, just to make things easier? Is that something you now think to change? How? 
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Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success

Living out your faith at work is challenging and difficult, especially in the secular workplace. As a leader, there is even more pressure to model company policy and leave our faith at home. In this study, the teachings of the Bible help us uncover a single 5-letter word to help you live your faith and honor God in a way that builds your leadership success like none other. Be NICER!
