Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success预览

Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success


2. “I” is for Integrity in all things.

In the last reading, we looked at how Daniel lived out the concept of “No compromises” when faced with company policy that violated his beliefs.

Now, we look at the letter “I” which stands for “Integrity in all things.”  

While Joseph and the example of sexual integrity may first come to mind, we stay with the example of Daniel and his rise through the organization. 

If you haven’t done so already, read Daniel 6:1-13 to catch up on the leadership progress – and latest challenge – for Daniel.

Following a great start in the management training program, we see that God has shown favor to Daniel and that he has become one of 3 governors – out of 120 – working for the king himself. 

In today’s terms, we might see Daniel as one of the three executive vice-presidents at the top of the Babylonian enterprise. Even better, the CEO plans to promote Daniel to chief operating officer (COO), putting him in charge of all operational activities across the land.

Although Daniel’s mom might have been proud, there were others in the company – the Babylonian enterprise – who weren’t exactly happy having a foreigner promoted over them to the very top of the company management.

Try as they may, Daniel’s opponents could find no wrongdoing, no dirt, and no fake news to take to the CEO in order to stop Daniel’s promotion. You can see how Daniel’s commitment to a working life of “No compromise” and “Integrity in all things” paid off in the long run. 

Over the years, Daniel’s commitment to honor God at work has developed his character. As a result, he was simply too good, too clean, and even too righteous for these guys to be able to stop his move to COO. 

Daniel had the kind of “Integrity” that we all should aspire to. He simply did the right thing, even when nobody was looking, and it was about to result in a promotion to second-in-command over the entire Babylonian enterprise.

Like Daniel, you too should strive for a track record of behavior at work that nobody can fault. 

You’ve heard it said that integrity means doing the right thing, even when nobody is looking. But integrity also means doing the right thing, even when others may pressure us to do otherwise. 

Integrity in leadership means being honest & open so that others can trust you completely, in all things. 

It means accurately reporting progress – and problems – so that expectations can be managed and issues can be handled. 

It means not taking credit where others deserve it.

Integrity in all things means leading as if Jesus himself was right there with you – in every meeting, every conversation, every decision.

A common workplace joke is that no good deed goes unpunished. But, as Christian leaders, we can count it pure joy when others ridicule us for not following the get-ahead, me-first, cover-my-backside attitude of the world.

We have a higher calling, and it is not to follow the ways of this world:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. – Romans 12:2a

Just like Daniel, taking the path of integrity in all things will one day lead you to exactly where God wants you to be, for the glory of His Kingdom.

Reflection / Application

  1. In most leadership positions, we are able to decide for ourselves what “good enough” is, and to what level we strive for perfection. Do you ever cut corners or avoid reporting certain numbers to look better regarding schedule or budget constraints? 
  2. What message does this send to your co-workers? And, how would they react if you took an approach of “integrity in all things” like Daniel did?
  3. Is it difficult or even possible to maintain 100% integrity at work? Why or why not?
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Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success

Living out your faith at work is challenging and difficult, especially in the secular workplace. As a leader, there is even more pressure to model company policy and leave our faith at home. In this study, the teachings of the Bible help us uncover a single 5-letter word to help you live your faith and honor God in a way that builds your leadership success like none other. Be NICER!
