Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success预览

Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success


6. Just be NICER – You can do that!!

Over the last 5 readings, we’ve unpacked a number of key concepts from the Bible to help build your leadership success, by God’s standard:

N  = No compromises
I  = Integrity in all things
C = Compassion for others
E = Excellence in all that you do
R = Responsible to others 

Not surprisingly, these characteristics espoused by the Bible also play well in the secular workplace, whether your leadership circles are staffed by Christians or not.

Let’s just cycle through the list again, this time comparing the message from God’s word to the secular thinking of today:

No compromises – holding fast to your values leads to consistency, stability and predictability – traits valued by employees and management alike.

Integrity – the #1 choice on most leadership lists, employees want to follow someone they can trust, and management agrees by allocating increased levels of responsibilities to the same.

Compassion – although this doesn’t always appear on a top 10 list, nobody cares how much you know or can do, until they know how much you care and do to help.

Excellence – it goes without saying, and doesn’t always make the top 10 lists either, but doing your best with competence & capability are absolute pre-requisites to leading well.

Responsible to others – secular lists seem to avoid this one altogether, but going the extra mile to help someone builds goodwill & enthusiasm for your leadership like none other.

There we have it – one word from the Bible to boost your leadership success: just be N-I-C-E-R.

Of course, being an effective leader in the footsteps of the Jesus isn’t as simple as just memorizing a five-letter word. 

But it can be a beginning to a new start. And here’s how…

To help you put this study plan into action, find a sticky note or small piece of paper and write the words “Be NICER” at the top with the insight for each of the five letters underneath.
Then post this note at your work where you will see it every day.
For the next few weeks, take a minute at the start of each day and throughout the day to reflect on the letter for that day. 
Start with the letter “N” on Monday, and work your way down to the letter “R” by Friday.

As you continue to reflect on the word NICER each day, you’ll not only have each quality memorized but these behaviors will also become part of your daily life at work. 

People working for you will notice. Your peers will notice. And, like Daniel, those above you will notice. 

But, as you live the characteristics of being NICER, there will also be challenges and maybe even “persecutions” as you live out your faith at work – just as Jesus said in See Matthew 5:11-12:

Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. – Matthew 5:11-12

As that happens, be sure to rejoice about it; it means you are having an impact: the very impact God intended you to have, and maybe the exact reason why God has placed you in the position you are now in.

So, go ahead and be NICER… then watch how God will work, even through you:

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. – Matthew 5:16

Reflection / Application

  1. Of the 5 letters covered in the word NICER, which are the easiest and most difficult for you? Why?
  2. What might you do to grow stronger in your area of weakness? Can you make an action plan for that?
  3. How can you even more broadly apply yourself in the area that was easiest for you? What results might you expect?
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Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success

Living out your faith at work is challenging and difficult, especially in the secular workplace. As a leader, there is even more pressure to model company policy and leave our faith at home. In this study, the teachings of the Bible help us uncover a single 5-letter word to help you live your faith and honor God in a way that builds your leadership success like none other. Be NICER!
