The Blessing of Persecution预览

The Blessing of Persecution


Before you start

Have you ever tried to tell someone about Jesus and been met with opposition? What did you do? How did that feel?

I wonder how the followers of Jesus felt as this chapter of Matthew progressed. Matthew 10 starts with Jesus choosing the twelve who would be his closest team. Then he sends out 72 of his followers to reach the people of Israel, doing what they have seen Jesus do – cast out demons, heal the sick and bring the kingdom of heaven – but with no resources apart from the clothes on their back. This might seem daunting: doing great things and living by faith.

Then Jesus mentions the possibility that some people might not accept them. This shouldn’t have been a surprise – his followers have already experienced opposition to Jesus – but Jesus goes further with verse 16: “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”

In this agricultural society, Jesus’ followers would know all about the damage a wolf could do to a flock of sheep. This would be ringing alarm bells in their minds, but Jesus keeps going, detailing exactly what might happen to them: being tried and flogged by the Jewish authorities, being brought before the Romans to answer for what they are doing.

Yet he reminds them that the Spirit will be with them – the same Spirit of God that has guided Jesus. They are not alone when they face this persecution. And finally, he reminds them that this is a reward for enduring – being saved – echoing the ‘blessedness’ Jesus promised that we discovered in Matthew 5. And further on in chapter 10, Jesus tells his friends that God loves even the sparrows, and they are worth more than that – God knows us so well that he knows how many hairs are on our head.

So, the 72 go out with Jesus’ warnings, but also in the confidence that God’s Spirit is with them and the knowledge that God knows and cares for them. And the same is true for us too. When we go out to do God’s work, spreading the gospel of Jesus and living our lives loving God and loving others, there will be opposition, but we are not alone.

Reflect and chat

Here are some questions. Grab a notebook and jot down your ideas or, if you’re doing this with others, discuss your thoughts together.

  • How do you think the followers of Jesus felt as Jesus sent them out?
  • What do you think Jesus means when he says that we have to “be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves”?
  • Have you had any experiences that match what Jesus says his followers will face? What were they like?
  • How easy is it to live by faith in the way Jesus talks about in chapter 10? What about relying on the Spirit for the words to say?


Pray for those standing up for their faith in countries such as India. Pray that God will give them the words to use. Ask God to be with you when you have to stand up for your faith in various circumstances as you share the love of Jesus with others.

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The Blessing of Persecution

A 7-day video Bible Plan focused on the persecuted church in India.
