The Blessing of Persecution预览

The Blessing of Persecution


Before you start

When you think of Christians facing persecution, whom do you think of? Those who are out there, proclaiming the message, or the people supporting them with hospitality, money, and prayer?

Paul and Silas’ time in Greece has already been quite the rollercoaster ride. Their first stop, in Philippi, resulted in new believers and freedom for a slave girl but ended in them being imprisoned. They were released by a miraculous earthquake and were told to leave the city.

Now, in Thessalonica, they have had some success, with some Jews and large numbers of Greeks coming to know Jesus, as well as “not a few prominent women”, a curious phrase from the writer, Luke!

But this success comes at a cost. Jealousy causes some Jews to cause trouble. These troublemakers are devious in using the Romans’ insecurities against them – they invoke the idea that Paul and friends are setting up Jesus as king against the emperor. And, because Paul and Silas can’t be found, it’s the people who have hosted them who bear the brunt. They are arrested and accused of creating turmoil and released on bail.

When it comes to persecution, it’s not just the ones that stand at the front, preaching the gospel, who put themselves at risk. All those who take part in God’s work, in whatever role – big or small – can become targets of those who oppose Jesus or, like the Jews in this story, are simply jealous of the impact and influence that Christians wield. The courage of people like Jason in this story can’t be overstated.

Across the world, those who welcome missionaries, church planters, teachers, children’s workers – anyone doing God’s work – put themselves on the frontline of persecution. I wonder if you have heard stories of ordinary people finding themselves being persecuted for hosting or being associated with followers of Jesus. I wonder if you have experienced that yourself.

Reflect and chat

Here are some questions. Grab a notebook and jot down your ideas or, if you’re doing this with others, discuss your thoughts together.

  • What emotions might Paul and Silas go through at the different stages of this story? What about when they realized Jason and others had been arrested in their place?
  • Do you think Jason and the others knew what they were getting themselves into when they hosted Paul and Silas? Why do you think that?
  • Can you see the same kind of persecution happening to people in your country? What about similar stories in other countries?
  • If you were in Jason’s position, what would you do?


Pray for Christians in India, for the ordinary families attacked for following Jesus as well as the pastors and church leaders. Pray too for any others you know who suffer because they play a role in supporting other Christians.

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The Blessing of Persecution

A 7-day video Bible Plan focused on the persecuted church in India.
