The Blessing of Persecution预览

The Blessing of Persecution


Before you start

What gives you the strength and inspiration to continue in your faith? If you’re meeting with others, share one or two of those stories. If you’re on your own, reflect on one of those times.

Peter writes his first letter to the churches in the Roman provinces that make up what is now northern Turkey. The young, but growing Church is under threat across the whole known world and Peter writes to these Christians, probably Gentiles, to encourage them.

Peter takes us almost full circle in our seven days of Bible exploration in this passage. He echoes Jesus’ words in Matthew 5, saying that “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and God rests on you”.

While the Christians in northern Turkey are sharing in the same persecution as Jesus, they are also comforted, helped, and guided by the same Spirit as him – the Spirit of God. And while they may be suffering, Peter reminds them that God is faithful: “So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.”

You’ve no doubt discovered over the past few days, from both the Bible stories and the stories of Christians in India, that persecution as a result of following Jesus is inevitable – Jesus says it, Paul says it, Peter says it, the stories of the people in India you’ve read about say it too. You may not have experienced it in quite the same way as others – you may not have been arrested, physically assaulted, or called names – but perhaps you have met opposition in more subtle ways.

So, we can finish as we started, with Jesus’ statement from Matthew 5: “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Here are some questions. Grab your notebook and jot down your ideas or, if you’re doing this with others, discuss your thoughts together.

  • What do you make of Peter’s words?
  • Is persecution inevitable? Why? Why not
  • How easy is it to praise God when people oppose you? How easy is it to be ashamed?
  • What opposition do you face in your life? What have you discovered over the past seven days that has changed your approach to this opposition?


Pray for Christians in India and across the world who are facing persecution. Pray that they might be able to glorify God instead of being ashamed or saddened by the opposition. Pray too that you might be able to face any opposition you come up against.

Please visit Mission India UK to find out more about the work we do with the persecuted church in India.

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The Blessing of Persecution

A 7-day video Bible Plan focused on the persecuted church in India.
