The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses预览

The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses


God’s Call To You

Invitation to SELAH

Before you spend time face-to-face with God today, take some time to SELAH (Stop, Exhale, Lean In, Ask & Hear).


Sometimes, God responds to our calls to Him, but other times God doesn’t wait for us to be looking for Him, He just shows up. That’s exactly what we see happening here. In the middle of another ordinary day for Moses, God called out to him from a strange bush that was engulfed in flames, but not being burnt up. Throughout Scripture, God reveals Himself through the symbol of fire. God’s fire is not out of control, but instead it is uniquely controlled in such a way that it is burning but not consuming.

There are two things to notice from this passage. First, God called Moses by name. God’s call to Moses wasn’t a general invitation, but a very specific command. Second, Moses responded this time not by running in fear, but with a simple statement of his willingness to be present before God. “Here I am.”

The more you spend time face-to-face with God, the more you’ll realize the specific call He has for your life. Time spent in God’s presence leads to clarity in our purpose.


After you've read the passage today grab a journal or open your notes. Take some time to reflect on today’s reading. Use the SOAP acronym to help you engage. (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer).

  • Scripture - What did you read?
  • Observation - What did you learn?
  • Application - What will you do?
  • Prayer - Write out a prayer talking to God like a friend.

Additional Readings Suggestions:

Read Ephesians 3:6-10 and 1 Corinthians 12:7-11.

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The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses

The story of Moses and the story of Israel in the first few chapters of Exodus are a clear picture of our lives as well. In this reading plan you'll begin to see yourself in the story of Moses.
