Heaven Is Closed - Prophetic Gallery SeriesExemplo

Bowls of Judgement 1-3
Thoughts on the Passage
Although the judgment is from God, we do not know how these plagues start. We know from the book of Job that satan can inflict sores and boils, and from the book of Exodus that the magicians of Pharaoh could turn the water to blood as well. So we do not know if God’s judgment here is directly from God Himself, or if God allows satan to do it. Regardless, God calls it His judgment on mankind. Notice, the plague of sores does not touch the people of God, but only those who align themselves with worshipping the antichrist. That reminds us that God’s people are still present during this time.
Also, we see the cost of mankind’s sin on nature. The life in the sea and the rivers is lost because of mankind’s actions. We can blame God all we want, but it is really our decisions that causes this great destruction. It is so much easier to blame God, but God put the responsibility for His creation in our hands – and now it suffers because mankind rejects God.
Finally, I see the angel in charge of the water respond to the destruction in the waters. That angel sees something that we do not see – that there is a measure of justice happening. When mankind kills and abuses God’s children, God is just when He forces them to drink water that causes death. God never forgets the suffering of His children. God never forgets the shame, humiliation and injustice that we bear because we choose to stand with Jesus in a world that rejects Him. The angel rejoices that God uses his area of responsibility to bring justice to those who have attacked God’s people. We have many great supporters that we do not see.
Father, here we begin to see You judge sin. It is not the final judgment, but it is still very severe. Much that is innocent suffers and much that is wicked suffers with it. When You allow mankind to face this judgment, we see the cost of rejecting our mandate given by You, the Creator. Creation suffers because we did not steward this creation well. It is sad. So much gets destroyed because mankind rejects You. Father, teach us to honor You. Help us to take seriously the mandate we received from You to manage this creation You entrusted to us. Help us also to understand that the cost of abusing Your children. All creation suffers including the rest of Your children.
Sobre este plano

In Plan 10 of Revelation we see the Bowls of Judgment being released and heaven is closed. During this time, we see God’s judgment of sin take the front of stage. This isn’t the final judgment of God – but even going through this section of the art gallery, we get a reverent look at the side of God that most of us forget to adequately acknowledge in our lives – HIS HOLINESS.