Heaven Is Closed - Prophetic Gallery SeriesExemplo

Bowl of Judgement 6
Thoughts on the Passage
This bowl brings out another response from mankind – they rebel and fight against God. When satan rebelled against God, he lost miserably, but his heart is still the same – to lead rebellion. So we see rebellion on a world scale against God – and God allows it to unfold, because He will judge it. So the Euphrates river is dried up – probably not literally, but symbolically. The Euphrates river separated east from the west and became the dividing line between nations and kingdoms of the east and west. Now that will be removed. The nations of the east will gather together with the nations and kingdoms from the west – in rebellion.
They gather at Armageddon. That is a physical location. It is called the valley of Megiddo or the valley of Jehoshaphat. It is a massive valley in northern Israel, but it had historical significance. Throughout history, whoever controlled this valley controlled this part of the world. All the great empires sought to control this valley because they could then control military travel both east-west and north-south. Its strategic importance cannot be underestimated. Also, Rome used this valley as its staging location when it attacked and destroyed Jerusalem and the other Jewish cities in AD 70. So, to the Jewish and Christian people of the time, it represented a place where antichrist rulers gathered together to destroy God’s people.
What is the strategic equivalent to Armageddon today? The physical location is probably not as significant today with modern militaries. What locations control modern societies today? Economically – it would be London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore. Whoever controls these cities controls the world economy. Politically – Washington, Brussels, Moscow, Beijing. Whoever controls these cities controls the political centers of the world. Religiously – Mecca, Dehli, etc. Whoever controls these cities sets the agenda for the major religions of the world. These are the centers of power and influence today that represent the Armageddons of todays world.
Jesus says to be careful or we will be caught naked and not ready when Jesus returns. Because each of these centers can take our eyes off of Jesus and His return – economics, politics, and religion. Satan will use them to unite people against God’s rule. He will use them to take our eyes off of Jesus. Each of these systems reject the rule of Jesus. Do not get caught in them. God will destroy these.
Father, the people reject You and rebel against You and Your rule. It is not surprising when we see the deception that satan is able to release on mankind. He deceives us into thinking economic power is from God, or political power is from God, or that other religious power is God ordained. This kind of thinking is spiritual – and not godly but demonically inspired. So Father, gives us eyes to see the deception that is happening. Give us a heart to know how to keep our lives ready for the return of Jesus, our clothes washed and clean, and our hearts focused on You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Sobre este plano

In Plan 10 of Revelation we see the Bowls of Judgment being released and heaven is closed. During this time, we see God’s judgment of sin take the front of stage. This isn’t the final judgment of God – but even going through this section of the art gallery, we get a reverent look at the side of God that most of us forget to adequately acknowledge in our lives – HIS HOLINESS.