Heaven Is Closed - Prophetic Gallery SeriesExemplo

Bowl of Judgement 7
Thoughts on the Passage
This last bowl releases the wrath of God on those who reject God and the nations that follow them. It is God’s judgment on Babylon (this is symbolic of the Roman empire and any empire that arises like it) and the nations of the earth that align themselves with it.
The judgment is very severe. It is full of powerful events – massive hailstorms, lightning, earthquakes, and other destructive forces. Are they physical events? Are they representative of human events? It is probably both. They all demonstrate the power of God to bring down the great and powerful nations that stand in rebellion against God. The response of the people to this powerful assault needs recalling – they curse God. They angrily blame God for the situation they face; it is God who is to blame, not themselves. This is the response of all people who walk in rebellion. They reject God, they reject His rule, and then they blame God when God responds with His judgment for their rebellion.
Remember, heaven is closed right now. There is no opportunity to repent and receive forgiveness. It is not that God is uncaring, it is because they have rejected, rejected and rejected God again. No additional times of grace and mercy will make any difference. So God unleashes His judgment.
Father, I know that there will come a time when Your mercy is withdrawn. It is coming and as Jesus said to His followers, “night comes when no man can work”. It is tough to read and harder to listen to men curse Your name when You respond with judgment against rebellion. People feel so justified in rebelling. Father, protect me from a rebelling heart. Protect me from a hard heart that refuses to listen to You. Protect me from getting offended by Your holiness. Guide me and strengthen me to follow You with a godly fear and my whole heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Sobre este plano

In Plan 10 of Revelation we see the Bowls of Judgment being released and heaven is closed. During this time, we see God’s judgment of sin take the front of stage. This isn’t the final judgment of God – but even going through this section of the art gallery, we get a reverent look at the side of God that most of us forget to adequately acknowledge in our lives – HIS HOLINESS.