Heaven Is Closed - Prophetic Gallery SeriesExemplo

Bowls of Judgement 4 and 5
Thoughts on the Passage
Light and darkness.
These two bowls of God’s anger touch these two key parts of life. Scorching heat and thick darkness. We need light to survive, but too much light causes problems – too much heat. We need darkness so that we can rest. Too much darkness produces all kinds of problems.
Darkness and Light is also a spiritual condition. As we read in Isaiah 8, darkness is more than just physical – it is spiritual as well. When we choose to ignore God’s Word, we walk in darkness spiritually. That means that we cannot get direction, we cannot understand why things happen, we do not have any idea what is the purpose of things, and we cannot get insight into what will happen. There is frustration, anger, gloom, and people lash out at God and everyone who should lead them. When leaders refuse to turn to God and His Word for direction, then they lead people blindly through darkness. They may be able to fool people for awhile – getting people to believe that have direction and a plan, but in the end, they have no answers. That leads to societal chaos.
Here we see that God shows that He can take light and darkness and deliver judgment. The response of people to this judgment shows how firmly mankind rejects. It can be either physical or spiritual – I do not know which it is here. However, this judgment releases great anger against God, because mankind does not want to accept the light of God nor do they want to face the darkness that comes when they reject His light.
Still, there is no repentance.
Father, Your Word is light. It guides our steps and it reveals the path where we walk. Too often, we do not want to have that revealed. This world is full of people who reject Your light and reject Your truth. They do not want Your light to shine and yet they do not want the thick darkness either. Father, I love Your light. It reveals things where I stand – it is not always a nice picture. I am far from fully obedient to Your Word. Still, I love that You faithfully help me see clearly. It also shows me where to go – I need that more than anything. This world is full of people giving advice of where to go and what to do – without any of Your light to see where it leads. I am tired of hearing that nonsense. So show me Your light. Dispel my darkness. Give me eyes to see and a heart to follow. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Sobre este plano

In Plan 10 of Revelation we see the Bowls of Judgment being released and heaven is closed. During this time, we see God’s judgment of sin take the front of stage. This isn’t the final judgment of God – but even going through this section of the art gallery, we get a reverent look at the side of God that most of us forget to adequately acknowledge in our lives – HIS HOLINESS.