Matthew 26:41
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“Tak ye tent, and pray, gin ye faʼ‐na intil temptation! The spirit is indeed wullin, but the flesh is waff!”
Chunguza Matthew 26:41
Matthew 26:38
Than says he to them, “My saul is unco sorrowfuʼ, eʼen to death! Bide ye here, and watch wiʼ me!”
Chunguza Matthew 26:38
Matthew 26:39
And he gaed on a wee bit yont, and fell on his face, and prayed, sayin, “O my Faither! gin it be possible, lat this cup pass by me! yet, no as I wull, but as Thou wult!”
Chunguza Matthew 26:39
Matthew 26:28
“For this is my blude oʼ the New Covenant, whilk is shed for mony, for the pittin‐awa oʼ sins!
Chunguza Matthew 26:28
Matthew 26:26
And as they war eatin, Jesus took the laif, and gied thanks, and brak it, and gied to the disciples, sayin, “Tak, eat; this is my body!”
Chunguza Matthew 26:26
Matthew 26:27
And takin a cup, and giean thanks, he gied it to them, sayin, “Drink ye aʼ oʼt!
Chunguza Matthew 26:27
Matthew 26:40
And he comes till the disciples, and finʼs them sleepin; and quoʼ he to Peter, “Eʼen sae! Coud‐ye‐na watch wiʼ me ae ʼoor?
Chunguza Matthew 26:40
Matthew 26:29
“But I say till ye, I drink nae mair forrit oʼ this frute oʼ the vine, till yon day whan I drink it new wiʼ you iʼ my Faitherʼs Kingdom!”
Chunguza Matthew 26:29
Matthew 26:75
And Peter caʼd to mind the word Jesus spak, “Afore the cock craw, ye wull thrice disown me!” And he gaed oot, and grat sair.
Chunguza Matthew 26:75
Matthew 26:46
“Rise ye, and lat us be gaun! See, he is at haun wha betrays me!”
Chunguza Matthew 26:46
Matthew 26:52
Than said Jesus to him, “Pit up yere blade intil its place; for aʼ they wha tak oot the sword, by the sword sal dee!
Chunguza Matthew 26:52