Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1 预览

Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1


Light of the World

Jesus gives a powerful illustration in Matthew 5:14 of a city on a hill.

Roman cities were typically on hills — and the lights/torches on walls served as warning signals:

  • Two torches meant ‘enemy was sighted’.
  • A torch on the North and West walls meant ‘do not delay’.
  • A torch on East, West and North meant ‘we are being attacked. This is the last warning’.
  • A torch on all four walls meant ‘gates closed, city under siege’.
  • When all torches were extinguished, it meant ‘city has fallen’.

Just as these serve as warning lights, one of our responsibilities is to be warning lights that are visible across distances shining God’s warning message to people – through our words, lives and through prayer. If we see something wrong happening, we ought to step in as a warning light and not shy away.

Jesus gives another example of not ‘putting a light under a basket’ – it just doesn’t make sense. It is meant to shine.


  • Exposes darkness - The sin and evil of the world is revealed by light.
  • Expels darkness - When we reflect the light of Christ, we dispel spiritual darkness around us. It is the love of Christ shining through us that can counter the evil around us. Although darkness is overwhelming, it is light that will eventually win.
  • Establishes direction - Amidst the dangers of the world, we can walk safely in His light as we seek His guidance and walk in the path that He has planned for us.

We can give out light only because we have received light – the light of the world, Jesus.

He is the source.

John 8:12 — Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

When we receive Christ, we are privileged to be children of the light.

1 Thessalonians 5:5 — You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.

Our light is meant to shine in such a way that our “good works” enable others to glorify God. Jesus gives us the secret to victory – “overcoming evil with good”.

In what unique way is our light shining in the darkness around us?

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Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1

What is the lifestyle of a disciple of Christ? Is an impeccable moral life adequate? Jesus raises the bar. Christ-like qualities are attitudes and characteristics that develop once the Holy Spirit starts working in our lives. These qualities begin by transforming inner attitudes which in turn reflect on outward behaviour. The transformation is so deep-rooted it is not short-lived but results in a lifestyle for life – the Kingdom Lifestyle.
