Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1 预览

Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1


Lust and Immorality

In a world full of sexual immorality, these are some of the hardest passages to accept. Let us study them carefully.


Jesus says in Matthew 5:27 that even a lustful look is adultery in the heart. James indicates that unhealthy desire leads to sin.

“Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” James 1:15

Desire becomes wrong when it turns to covetousness or goes out of control.

In Martin Luther’s words, “You cannot stop birds from flying over your head but you can stop them from building their nests in your hair.”


In Matthew 5:29 Jesus speaks of cutting off an eye or a hand if it leads us to sin.

He is obviously speaking figuratively implying complete disassociation with the circumstance causing sin. The problem is not with the eye or the hand; it is with the heart. That is where the disassociation should occur. Disassociation with unhealthy relationships, habits, thoughts, etc. can be as painful as cutting off an eye or a hand but needs to be followed through.


Does the Bible give an exception to divorce?

Mark 10:11,12 and Luke 16:18 are clear.

Mark 10:11, 12 Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”

What of the exception in Matthew – “except on grounds of adultery”?

The root word for “adultery” in this context is fornication. So I subscribe to John Piper’s view that Matthew is likely to be talking of a pre-marital divorce (prevalent in Jewish culture) on grounds of fornication as the exception.

“Till Death do us part”

Divorce and remarriage after marriage is clearly a no–no in the Bible. Separation is allowed in exceptional cases.

The disciples realized this that it is a hard teaching. There is a risk:

  • Of being stuck in a bad marriage
  • Or being stuck without marriage.

Partner choice before marriage is extremely critical and should come under much prayer and discernment involving several godly leaders.


From Jesus’ teaching in Matt 19:10-12, we see that very few can receive a life of singleness for Christ, maintaining the high standards discussed. It is a calling for a few.

In spite of the lowering standards of sexual purity in the world around, are we committed to adhering to God’s standards? Do we truly believe in the value and blessedness of the fruitful, abundant life lived in obedience to His purpose?

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Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1

What is the lifestyle of a disciple of Christ? Is an impeccable moral life adequate? Jesus raises the bar. Christ-like qualities are attitudes and characteristics that develop once the Holy Spirit starts working in our lives. These qualities begin by transforming inner attitudes which in turn reflect on outward behaviour. The transformation is so deep-rooted it is not short-lived but results in a lifestyle for life – the Kingdom Lifestyle.
