Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1 预览

Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1


The Key Differentiator

When Jesus asks us to love our enemies, He highlights that this is the only key differentiator a believing Christian holds. There are many who are kind, sacrificial, service oriented, help the needy, etc. Only a true Christian can demonstrate love for enemies.

God made us, his enemies, His children (Colossians 1:21,22). This one powerful argument defeats any reservations we may have. We have benefited from God’s undeserving love. We need to offer others the same benefits. Jesus draws a line of thought on what motivates this unique love in a Christian.

Acknowledge our enemies as God’s potential children

If we feel others are undeserving, what about us who have been equally undeserving? When God has opened His doors to everyone to be His children, it is our job to guide others to these doors. That makes us worthy children of God (Matthew 5:45).

Accept them using the same means and love that God did

Matthew 5:44 “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”.

The world is filled with prayers for the persecuted — albeit ignoring the persecutors who need our prayers more as directed by Jesus (Matthew 5:44).

Achieve differentiation and recognition as God’s children

Our lives revolve around our families and those we love. What are we doing for those who don’t really care for us, but who need God desperately? Perfection can only come by loving those we “hate” or (in other words) “love less” (Matthew 5:46,47).

Advance towards perfection

The perfection we aim at is nothing less than the perfection of God and Christ Himself. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus says, “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

God does not differentiate.

On the most important matters, God blesses everyone alike – His blessings of rain, sun, etc. Most importantly He has covered everyone under the blood of Christ. Only those who do not accept that cover are unsafe. On God’s side, all are covered.

Matthew 5:45b “...for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous”.

When we differentiate, we

  • Distance others from God
  • Deny what God intended for them and us
  • Dilute God’s value.

Have we cleansed our perception to view everyone as God’s child? Are we seeking to reach out to them in love? Are we striving for perfection as God is perfect? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you today.

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Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1

What is the lifestyle of a disciple of Christ? Is an impeccable moral life adequate? Jesus raises the bar. Christ-like qualities are attitudes and characteristics that develop once the Holy Spirit starts working in our lives. These qualities begin by transforming inner attitudes which in turn reflect on outward behaviour. The transformation is so deep-rooted it is not short-lived but results in a lifestyle for life – the Kingdom Lifestyle.
