Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1 预览

Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1


The Extra Mile

When Jesus advises “turning the other cheek” and “going the extra mile”, it is considered “hyperbole” and “impossible” by some. Others consider it among the “greatest recorded” teachings. As always, there is a richness of wisdom in this advice.

Turn the other cheek

The Greek verb for slap implies an insult more than enduring physical violence. Jesus advises that:

  • Silence may actually dampen the insult
  • Retaliating is more likely to escalate it.

More importantly, the response should be designed to bring the other person closer to Christ.

Give the cloak as well

The tunic was an inner garment. The cloak, the outer garment often used by the poor to protect and provide warmth. It could not be taken away by Jewish law. (Exodus 22:26-27)

In a situation where dispute is intended, in order to maintain peace and save a whole lot more in terms of potential damage, Jesus advises:

  • Not to fight for rights
  • To give away the cloak
  • Look to the Lord for protection and provision (Matthew 6:28-31)

Go the Second Mile

In Jesus' day, a Roman soldier had the right to press any Israelite into carrying his pack for him up to one mile.

Jesus exhorts us to go beyond the call of duty and reflect Christ’s grace to a fallen world.

What if people take advantage of us? Understanding the kinds of retaliation in the Bible highlights the supreme wisdom in Jesus’ words.

Unlimited Retaliation

Cain’s son, Lamech, talks of seventy-seven-fold revenge which is clearly “over-the-top”. His son Tubal Cain took it several notches worse by fashioning every “cutting instrument” or weapon.

Limited Retaliation

The fabled “eye for eye, tooth for tooth” (Exodus 21:23-25) was part of the legal and judicial system of the nation Israel. God designed the instruction to avoid further damage.

No Retaliation

When we don’t retaliate, we ought to hand over to God to prevent sin “in anger”.

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

Replaced Retaliation

Jesus is not teaching absolute passivity or enabling and encouraging a sinner to do wrong. He teaches us to:

  • Replace vengeance with grace
  • Collaborate in the mutual best interest of both parties
  • Win the other party to a stronger relationship with yourself and Christ

Have we committed all our hurts and grievances to God? Are we seeking to win those who have hurt us to God by our gracious response?

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Gracious Jesus 3 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 1

What is the lifestyle of a disciple of Christ? Is an impeccable moral life adequate? Jesus raises the bar. Christ-like qualities are attitudes and characteristics that develop once the Holy Spirit starts working in our lives. These qualities begin by transforming inner attitudes which in turn reflect on outward behaviour. The transformation is so deep-rooted it is not short-lived but results in a lifestyle for life – the Kingdom Lifestyle.
