Unclaimed Baggage预览

Unclaimed Baggage


Recognizing Your Baggage

What is unclaimed baggage? It is baggage that arrives and is not promptly claimed by the physical owner. Webster's Dictionary describes it as "past experiences or long-held ideas regarded as burdens and impediments."

When flying commercially, upon arrival, you go to "Baggage Claim" if you checked in baggage. You must look for your bag/s, and once recognized, you pull them off the carousel to take with you. Sometimes, those bags can be so heavy that you may need assistance.

Learning to pack our loads lighter and to rest (Matthew 11:28-30) can make all the difference.

We all need a respite from the complex and unpleasant things we encounter. God's plan for us is to walk in the freedom that only He can provide in these situations. We cannot receive that freedom if we fail to recognize the baggage weighing us down. One cannot remedy a problem if there is denial that there is one.

Not only must we recognize the issues at hand, but once the reality is manifested, we must claim that baggage, unpack it, surrender it to the one who makes all things new, and move forward baggage-free with the help of Jesus. Then, we experience amazing freedom that empowers us to live our lives to the fullest.

We are often carrying heavy weights in multiple bags not meant for us. This struggle can look different for each of us, but we are not alone.

Encumbrance and sin can prevent us from having the weights lifted. Encumbrance is anything that keeps us from effectively living the Christian life. We are instructed in Scripture to lay all these weights aside. (Hebrews 12:1)

Some examples of these weights may be:

Poor self-image, indecision, negative attitude, perfectionism, fear of failure, lack of self-control, defeatist attitude, feelings of rejection, comparison, busyness, continually on guard, unforgiveness, critical spirit, pride, jealousy, greed, deceit, anger, bitterness, slander, love of money, selfishness, lusts, idolatry, unbelief, health issues, and abuse.

Learning to pack our loads lighter, unload, and rest are the ideal positions to walk in.


Jesus, Your yolk is easy, and Your burden is light. Please help me recognize my personal baggage, start unpacking it and be set free. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

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Unclaimed Baggage

Life tends to throw much baggage onto our backs. Is it "all" ours to carry? In this plan, we will walk through what it means to claim our necessary luggage, unpack what is unnecessary, and bask in the rest of God as we lighten these heavy loads.
