Unclaimed Baggage预览

Unclaimed Baggage


Moving Forward Without The Baggage

Moving forward can be scary sometimes, especially if it involves going in a completely different direction than you've ever been. We were made to walk in confidence, assurance, and affirmation from God's Word and to stand tall in the light of God's love. We were made specifically to share the gospel and express the creator’s love, concern, and desire to see souls saved from the depths of hell.

Going forward without your baggage won't mean you won't be susceptible to picking up another bag or two. And sometimes, that's OK. You have to remember and apply the process of "RCUSM." (Recognize, Claim, Unpack, Surrender, and Move) Don't get stuck picking up load after load again, only to find yourself completely exhausted and useless to the kingdom of God.

It's important that we pray for discernment and wisdom to know when it's OK to carry a load (temporarily) and when it's not. (Phil 1:9)

It's important that we gear ourselves toward choosing never to remember those old bags again, just as Jesus chose to bury our sins in the depths of the sea, "choosing" never to remember them again. We must apply the old saying, "Let go and let God."

LET HIM handle today's issues. (Matt. 6:34)

LET HIM control your life moving forward. (2 Cor. 12:9, Matt. 28:18)

LET HIM be enough. (Col. 1:17)

Commit to memory Matthew 11:28:30 KJV:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”


God, I want you in full control because You know what's best for me, and you deserve it rightfully. Help me obtain discernment, wisdom, and knowledge as I grow in You. May I seek You in all things. May I not pick up a load that is not of You and gladly pick up what is with a grateful and glad heart. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

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Unclaimed Baggage

Life tends to throw much baggage onto our backs. Is it "all" ours to carry? In this plan, we will walk through what it means to claim our necessary luggage, unpack what is unnecessary, and bask in the rest of God as we lighten these heavy loads.
