Unclaimed Baggage预览

Unclaimed Baggage


Surrendering Your Baggage

Surrendering is a strong verb. It's a very important word, especially concerning the things of God. Surrender is not always looked at as "the thing to do" in our society. Yet God requires it of each and every one of us. Daily. Surrender means to cease resistance and submit to authority. Our ultimate authority, as believers, is Jesus Christ. We are to be set apart from the rest of the world. (Psa. 4:3, 1 Peter 2:9)

So, what might it look like to surrender your baggage? Humbling ourselves and submitting to the authority of God is the best start.

If you've recognized, claimed, and unpacked that baggage ... then what? You must allow the proper owner of that baggage to stake His claim on it. We were not meant to carry these loads we have been carrying. Jesus paid the ultimate price to free us from these burdens! He tells us to surrender ALL. (James 4:7-10, Matt. 11:28-30, 1 Peter 5:7)

LAY ASIDE the weights that easily take you down the wrong path and weary you needlessly. We are told multiple times in Scripture to lay aside our weights and to "put off" the old man. (Hebrews 12:1a, James 1:21, John 8:36, Eph. 4:21-24)

Nothing is more freeing than recognizing that you're not in control and that it was never yours to attempt to begin with. Allowing God to carry your load and trusting Him with all the big (and littlest) cares in life changes the trajectory of your course every time in every circumstance and every situation. Somehow, you feel lighter, walk in freedom, and see the light at the end of the dark tunnel you've been traveling. There's hope, and it has a name.

It's time to release your bags to the one who makes everything new! (Rev. 21:5)


Jesus, your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Give me a surrendering heart that I will trust you with my heavy load and leave it with you. You alone are capable, able, and willing to lift these loads. I submit to your plan and purpose now. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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Unclaimed Baggage

Life tends to throw much baggage onto our backs. Is it "all" ours to carry? In this plan, we will walk through what it means to claim our necessary luggage, unpack what is unnecessary, and bask in the rest of God as we lighten these heavy loads.
