Unclaimed Baggage预览

Unclaimed Baggage


Unpacking Your Baggage

The dreaded after-travel task: unpacking. Putting things away where they belong after a long journey can be daunting. It doesn't always seem as bad packing things as unpacking them, right?

It's especially troublesome when you overpack to start with, come home with more things than you left with, and then have to figure out what to do with these items.

So is our personal, emotional, physical, and mental baggage. It can be difficult to sort through and put away where it belongs, especially if it's a lot. Martha was a lot. She put more stress on herself than she had to. (Luke 10:41-42) Martha's sister Mary, however, knew what was better ... RESTING AT THE FEET OF JESUS.

Ever see those car tags that say, "Jesus is my Co-Pilot?" I cringe when I see them. If you follow Christ, He'd better be your Primary Pilot, Commander-in-Chief, and Master of all. He has to be the head and not the tail. When Jesus is at the helm of your ship, you have no need for worry or fear. He's in charge. The Holy Spirit will have His way whether you give Him His place in your life or not, so it's best to put Him on the throne of your life, where He belongs. He can then help you to unpack your baggage like any wonderful father would. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Take inventory as you begin to pray about unpacking your load/s. Ask God to guide you in what is necessary and unnecessary. Make a list (it may be lengthy) of what's been weighing you down. Ask for forgiveness in any area where you've picked up more to carry than GOD has instructed you to carry.

Choose to lay the unnecessary things at the foot of the cross. You must also choose not to pick those things back up if you want to walk in the freedom that comes from letting Christ guide you. (Psalm 32:8, Psalm 73:24, Isa. 58:11) In all things, acknowledge God. He will direct your paths! (Proverbs 3:6)


Holy Spirit, I need your help discerning. I need you to show me where I have taken on more than I should and help me lay those things down at your feet, where they belong. Guide me in a way that is everlasting and healthy to my soul. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

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Unclaimed Baggage

Life tends to throw much baggage onto our backs. Is it "all" ours to carry? In this plan, we will walk through what it means to claim our necessary luggage, unpack what is unnecessary, and bask in the rest of God as we lighten these heavy loads.
