"Die Ander Ses" Oordenking ReeksVoorbeeld
Personal Time with God // Section 1: Praying
It’s great how praying continually is coupled here between rejoicing always and giving thanks in all circumstances. How often are our prayers coupled with complaining and depression because they haven’t been answered yet? We get upset because things aren't working in the timing we thought they would. Instead, we should rejoice and give thanks for those things God has already done for us – this is a powerful change in attitude and view of God as our provider. Prayer changes our perspective which changes our life.
Practical Steps: Take 5-10 minutes this morning to simply rejoice by thanking God for all the things God has blessed you with, all the relationships He’s blessed you with, and all of the circumstances that He’s had a hand in providing for you.
Aangaande hierdie leesplan
Hierdie leesplan van 40 dae is opgestel om Christene leiding te gee oor wat dit beteken om Jesus te volg - nie net op 'n Sondag nie, maar ook op ‘Die Ander Ses’ dae van die week.