话语的实际(2018年,十一月) 预览
2 Pastor Chris克雷斯牧师
…and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3).
A great number of Christians know that Jesus was crucified and died as our Saviour, but they don’t know about, or understand, our divine fellowship with Him. When we talk about fellowship, what comes to their mind is when we come together in a church meeting to discuss the Word and to praise and worship the Lord. Fellowship, however, means more than that.
Essentially, our fellowship with the Lord describes our oneness or union with Him; something deeper than an association; such oneness that’s greater than a covenant. You can have a covenant without fellowship. The Lord Jesus brought us into such fellowship with Himself, that He sees Himself in us; He’s never satisfied until we’re satisfied; He derives His joy from our joy. Such blessed relationship! Now we can walk with Him, talk with Him, and live in Him as well as in His name.
If you’re not living with the consciousness of the full blessings of your divine fellowship with the Lord, you’re missing too much! Become conscious, and take advantage of your oneness with the Lord.
Paul, writing to Timothy, said, “…be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1); take advantage of the grace that’s in Christ Jesus. There’s an abundance of grace in Christ Jesus. If only many understood the immensity, infinitude, and unconditional nature of His love for us! We’re to take advantage of His grace, and love, in our fellowship with Him.
1 John 3:1-2 says, “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God….” You need to know that God truly loves you, and take full advantage of His love in your life. When you know, and are convinced of His love for you, it’ll be inconceivable to think He’ll be indifferent to your prayer or not answer you. Therefore, when you pray, be confident to expect an answer from Him, and walk in continual victory daily, and in every place.
约翰一书3:1-2说道: “看啊,父给我们是何等的爱,使我们被称为神的众子……”,你需要知道神真的爱你,并得着祂在你生命中的大爱的一切好处。当你知道祂对你的爱,并被这爱所说服,那么你就不可能认为祂会无视你的祷告,不应允你的祈求。因此,你在祷告的时候要有期待从祂得着答案的信心,并每天在所到之处持续行在得胜中。
Thank you, blessed Father, for the honour of being in fellowship with you, to walk with you, talk with you, and live as your glory, and your righteousness in the earth. Your will and purpose are fulfilled, as you live through me, establishing your kingdom in the earth, and in the hearts of men, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
配得称颂的父啊,我感谢你,因我有荣耀可以与你团契,与你同行,与你说话,我又可以在这地上作为你的荣耀、你的义而活。 当你藉着我活着,在地上、在人的心中建立你的国度的时候,你的旨意和目的都成就了。在耶稣的名里,阿们。
Further Study
1 Corinthians 6:17
Hebrews 2:6
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